Brace yourself for an effortless journey

Your online experience to an all-star smile

Book your scan

You can now book a visit at our satellite clinic to get a 3D scan of your teeth that will help us customize a treatment plan to help you enjoy your future smile only within months of using starlynr’s invisible viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.

AI Precision

Our expert orthodontists will use your impressions to create accurate 3D simulations of your predicted smile and your starlynr® start-to-finish customized plan based on your impression.

Happy alyning

Receive your customized kit and align confidently with expert help to guide you every step of the way with our online support team from around the world.

Book your scan

You can now book a visit at our satellite clinic to get a 3D scan of your teeth that will help us customize a treatment plan to help you enjoy your future smile only within months of using starlynr’s invisible viverra maecenas accumsan lacus vel facilisis.

AI Precision

Our expert orthodontists will use your impressions to create accurate 3D simulations of your predicted smile and your starlynr® start-to-finish customized plan based on your impression.

Happy alyning

Receive your customized kit and align confidently with expert help to guide you every step of the way with our online support team from around the world.

Agents of our products

For your convenience, we have placed a series of our centers all over Iran.

Scan your teeth

You are one step away from a smile you will love!

In your visit, we will take a 3D image of your current smile so you can see what your redesigned smile will look like. The best part is that you only have to come in for a visit once!

The beautiful smile of people is our desire

Why do they choose us?

Happy Customers
Quality guarantee
Quality guarantee
Happy Customers

The alynr® difference

More than a reason to smile!

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